Other useful information
March 21st is World Down Syndrome Day. A day to talk about things that matter to people with Down Syndrome around the world.
Click here for lots of different easy read booklets made by the Down Syndrome Association.
March 31st is International Transgender Day of Visibility. This is a day to raise awareness of discrimination faced by trans and non-binary people around the world.
This easy read written by Choice Support and Change explains what transgender means.
Trigger warning: the booklet contains images of male and female body parts and talks about sex.
On May 1st there will be a local election. This means that people will get the chance to vote for who they would like to run the council in their local area.
Click here to watch a film or look at different pieces of easy read information showing you how to vote.
The Government published a white paper called Get Britain Working. It’s aim is to help people find a good job and do well in it. The Disability Employment Advisor who sits on the Learning Disability Partnership Board is talking to us about this later in the year.
Click here for the easy read booklet.
ECOE Advice have written this easy read booklet on Keeping Warm and Well. The booklet covers energy saving tips, dealing with damp and mould in your home, free energy advice and free home visits. Despite ECOE having Exeter in their name they cover the whole of Devon but not Torbay or Plymouth.
Click here for the easy read booklet.
Click here to open a poster with contact details for ECOE.
Citizens Advice have written this easy read booklet to help people move (migrate) from their old benefits over to Universal Credit.
Click here for the easy read booklet.
Living Options Devon have created a guide called ‘I’m disabled. What does the Equality Act 2010 mean for me?’ The guide helps people to understand their rights under this law.
For more information click here.
There is also a link to Mencap’s easy read on the Equality Act 2010.
Click here for the easy read factsheet.
This link takes you to an easy read booklet which explains how to join online meetings using MS Teams.
The Government is working to improve the lives of disabled people. They have written a plan showing how they will try to do this. It is called the Disability Action Plan and was published in February 2024.
Click here for the easy read plan.
The Care Act is a law about care and support for adults in England. It explains what support people should be able to get and what councils will have to do.
Click here for the easy read Care Act.
People who work in health or adult social care must do training on learning disability and autism. It is called the Oliver McGowan training.
It is named after a young man called Oliver who had a learning disability and autism. He sadly died as a result of being given medication he knew he was allergic to. His mum Paula has campaigned for many years to make sure that professionals get training on learning disabilities and autism to stop this from happening again to another family.
Click here to watch a short film about the Oliver McGowan training.
Trigger warning: You might find the contents upsetting.
Citizens Advice have launched a new range of easy read booklets. There are 4 titles.
Click here for an easy read booklet on Debt.
Click here for an easy read booklet on Section 21 notices. (Your landlord wants to evict you).
Click here for an easy read booklet on Ways to save money on your bills.
Click here for an easy read booklet on Repair issues in your rental home.
Loan sharks are another name for illegal money lenders.
This link will take you to an easy read leaflet and a short film. Both will help you recognise if you have been targeted by a loan shark. You will be shown who can help if you are or have been a victim of an illegal money lender.
Click here for information on Loan Sharks.
Below is an Easy Read guide on Scams made by the East Sussex Learning Disability Partnership Board. (Shared with their kind consent)
Click here for the Easy Read guide on Scams.
Cuckooing is when a ‘friend’ takes over your home to store or sell drugs. This Easy Read leaflet gives you information on cuckooing and what you should do if you become a victim of this crime.
Click here for more information on what Cuckooing is.