Local and national health information
March is ovarian cancer awareness month. This is a type of cancer women can get. Ovacome have a rang of easy read booklets explaining what ovarian cancer is, tests for ovarian cancer and signs of ovarian cancer.
Click here to read their easy read booklets.
March 12th is national no smoking day. This easy read written by the NHS and shared by The Grove Medical Group gives advice on how to quit smoking.
Click here for the easy read.
The NHS have produced an easy read booklet on how to stay well this winter.
Click here for the easy read booklet.
See Ability is a charity that produces easy read materials for people on eye care, health conditions that can affect your eyes and glasses care.
Click here to look at their easy read booklets and factsheets.
Constipation is when you find it hard to poo. This short film gives you advice on how to avoid being constipated.
Click here for a video about How to avoid being constipated.
This easy read advanced care planning booklet helps people plan for when they are very ill or dying. It was written by Jill Singh and Paula Hines and revised by Amelia Stockley. It is called ‘My future and End of Life Care Plan’.
Click here for the easy read booklet.
Click on the link below to open the RD&E’s Learning Disability Liaison Team’s contact poster.
Click here for the RD&E Exeter Learning Disability Liaison Team Exeter Poster
Click on the link below to open to the North Devon District Hosptial’s Learning Disability Liaison Team contact poster.
Click here for the North Devon Team Poster
Sepsis is the body’s extreme response to an infection. It is a life-threatening medical emergency. Sepsis happens when an infection you already have triggers a chain reaction throughout your body.
This NHS England page has links to easy read information on How to avoid sepsis and Signs of sepsis and what to do.
Click here to go the the NHS England site.
This easy read booklet talks about Integrated Care Systems. We are hearing more about Integrated Care Systems at the Devon Learning Disability Partnership Board.
This plan explains how the NHS must work with local councils and charities to help improve people’s health.
Click here for easy read booklet.
These easy read booklets are about the Mental Capacity Act. The Mental Capacity Act is a law about making decisions. It makes sure that people have the support they need to make as many decisions as possible.
Mental Capacity Act 2005: An easy read guide (local.gov.uk)
Mental Capacity Act 2005: what the law says about supporting people to make decisions about their lives (publishing.service.gov.uk)
Did you know that people with learning disabilities over the age of 14 years should be offered an Annual Health Check by their GP (doctor)? Click on this link for Easy Read information on Annual Health Checks.
Click here for an Easy Read Leaflet on Learning Disability Annual Health Check for ages 14 years plus information for families and carers.
This is a list of words to help you understand some of the jargon that is used in Health Care.
Click here for Jargon Buster