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Learning Disability Devon An easy read website for people with a learning disability by people with a learning disability. Reviewed and checked by Devon People First.

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Safeguarding – keeping people safe from risk of harm or abuse

  • Devon County Council worked with Devon People First to create an easy read booklet on safeguarding. It looks at different types of abuse, how to recognise if you or someone else are being abused and how to report abuse.
    Click here for the easy read booklet.
    Trigger warning: this booklet talks about different types of abuse, contains images of male and female body parts and describes different sex acts.
  • This link takes you to a film made by hft called Staying safe from abuse. It explains what safeguarding is and who it is for.
  • Mencap have lots of information about safeguarding on their website. There are booklets on recognising abuse and how to raise a concern (tell someone about suspected abuse).
    Click here to go to Mencap’s webpage on safeguarding.
  • The Learning Disability Health and Social Care Group have been working on a project with the DIVAS. DIVAS are women with learning disabilities and/or autism who have survived sexual assault or domestic abuse. We have been talking about what we think professionals need to know to help people with learning disabilities to disclose (tell someone they trust) that they have been abused.
    For more information about the DIVAS click here.
  • If you need to tell someone about suspected abuse please visit the Torbay and Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership website.
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