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Learning Disability Devon An easy read website for people with a learning disability by people with a learning disability. Reviewed and checked by Devon People First.

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The Devon Friendship Group

  • The Friendship Group is run by Devon People First. Meetings are every Wednesday afternoon and every other Monday afternoon between 2:00pm-4:00pm.
  • The Friendship Group is an online group. It helps people to develop friendships and feel less lonely. Group members can talk about important issues affecting them, take part in quizzes and have a laugh with each other.
  • Group members also help Devon County Council officers and their partner organisations with projects to make sure services are accessible to people with learning disabilities.
  • For more information please:
    Email: or
    Phone:  07856 901027 or 07719 014915.
  • Upcoming meeting dates:
    July 2024: Wednesday 3rd, Monday 8th, Wednesday 10th, Wednesday 17th, Monday 22nd and Wednesday 24th.


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